🤖 How To Use ChatGPT To Write Linkedin Posts

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How To Use ChatGPT To Write Linkedin Posts.pdf1.78 MB • PDF File


This tutorial guides you on how to effectively use ChatGPT for generating LinkedIn content by leveraging 'Chain of Thought' prompting. It offers a structured 5-step approach to creating personalized and engaging LinkedIn posts tailored to your tone of voice, audience pain points, and marketing goals.

What You Can Do with This Tutorial

By following this tutorial, you can:

  • Develop a consistent tone of voice for your LinkedIn posts using ChatGPT.

  • Identify and address your audience's specific pain points to create relatable content.

  • Generate post ideas that cater to different stages of the buyer’s journey, from awareness to conversion.

  • Draft LinkedIn posts that engage your audience and encourage them to take action.

  • Edit and refine your posts with the help of ChatGPT, ensuring they are effective and error-free.

Summary of the Tutorial

Step 1: Establish Your Tone of Voice

To create LinkedIn content that sounds like you, it's essential to first establish your tone of voice. The tutorial provides the following prompt to guide ChatGPT in building a tone-of-voice guide based on examples of your previous posts:

Act as a LinkedIn ghostwriter and content marketing specialist, with extensive experience in the [your industry] industry in [location]. You’re known for producing excellent tone-of-voice guides, particularly those for use with Chat-GPT. I’m a [insert job title] at a [company type]. You’ve been tasked with building a LinkedIn tone of voice guide for me, built specifically for use with generative AI tools such as Chat-GPT. It needs to be concise but accurate, and contain everything a tool like this would need to know to produce copy in the same tone of voice as me. I’m going to provide you with 10 examples of successful posts, by pasting them below. You’re going to: (a) Read and absorb each of the post examples (b) Pay particular attention to the tone of voice, structure and style of each post (c) Find patterns within them to determine the above (d) Create a well-structured, accurate and useful tone of voice guide This tone of voice guide will then be pasted into Chat-GPT prompts to help me draft posts much more quickly. The guide should be produced in markdown. If there is anything else you need to know from me to complete this job to the best of your ability, ask now. If not, please let me know you understand my instructions, and tell me you’re ready for my 10 post examples.

Step 2: Discover Pain Points

Understanding your audience's pain points is crucial for creating content that resonates with them. The tutorial suggests using the following prompt to help ChatGPT identify these pain points:

Thank you. I’d now like to explore my audience in more detail. It’s important to understand audience pain points to create strong content. First, I’m going to tell you about the [product/service] I provide. This will give you some context for the rest of the prompt. [Insert details of your product or service: features, benefits, results]. Next, I’m going to give you some details about my audience, and you’re going to draft me a list of pain points and challenges this audience has. If you include any statistics or facts, please make sure they’re from a reputable source and provide the source link. Split the pain points list by job title and industry as needed. If there are groups with similar pain points, make this clear in your results. Where the pains have relevance to my solution, make the link between pain and solution clear. Job titles: [insert job titles]. Industries: [insert industries]. Other relevant information: [Insert anything else you know about your audience]. Now please give me a list of pains.

Step 3: Generate Post Ideas

This step involves creating a variety of LinkedIn post ideas based on your tone of voice and audience pain points. The prompt is divided into two parts:

Great, now let’s flesh out some ideas for posts. You already know my job title and company, plus details of the [product/service] I provide. You already know my job title and company, plus details of my audience and their pain points (as above). This information is incredibly important, keep it in my mind at all times. A post idea is a topic, followed by 4 bullets around what the post should contain. The first bullet should be ideas around the hook. A hook is a compelling first 1-3 lines of a post, and the only visible part on a feed before a reader decides to click ‘see more’ to open the rest of the post. Therefore, it has an important job of attracting attention, engaging and provoking this action. The post ideas should be spread along the following categories: 1. Awareness - pure education, value, knowledge sharing and no selling at all: expertise, knowledge, experience. 2. Consideration - start bringing me and my business into the conversation and why we’re a good choice. 3. Conversion - more sales type content, directly mentioning my [product/service] and how it solves problems, specific details. Where posts require personal input (e.g. specific experiences I’ve had, my actual expertise and opinion), please indicate accordingly. Where you’re missing information, ask questions, do not try and complete with hallucinated information. There is a 4th category of post ideas, which is Personal. As you don’t know me personally, you will be unable to come up with details, please come up with questions and ideas that will help prompt me to write useful personal posts instead. The fourth bullet should be the call to action. Create an idea for a call to action that would push this person a little further down the marketing funnel. Remember, call to actions should be relevant to that funnel stage, e.g. ‘book a call’ would not work at the awareness stage, it would need to be more gentle. You do not know what content I have available, so please make suggestions at this point. I’d like 5 post ideas per category, so 20 post ideas in total please. Keep checking that the post ideas you’re providing are insightful, valuable, and relevant.

Step 4: Draft Posts

While ChatGPT can help with research and ideation, the tutorial emphasizes that crafting quality LinkedIn posts is still up to you. Use the ideas generated in Step 3 to draft posts, focusing on creating an engaging hook, structured body, and appropriate call to action.

Step 5: Edit the Results

Finally, the tutorial provides a prompt for refining your draft posts:

Look at the below pasted LinkedIn posts. As a LinkedIn ghostwriter, how could you improve upon these? Think carefully about: 1. The strength and relevance of the hook, given the parameters I gave you 2. How relevant the content is to my audience 3. Is it engaging, and not dull/boring? 4. Does it have a clear call to action at the end? 5. Is it free of errors? 6. Does it accord with the tone of voice guide you wrote for me? 7. Does it factor in the pain points you drafted?Please now create notes on what you would change about my posts.