✨Will AI Websites Be The Next Big Thing?

Episode #8 - Mohamed Ghaith, CEO of Stunning.so

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In Episode 8, we sat down with Mohamed Ghaith, CEO of Stunning, to discuss how you can develop websites with AI. Mohamed is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor and engineer and his latest venture, Stunning.so helps agencies and people build amazing websites and marketing with AI at scale.

Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Early Tech Adopter

    • He wrote and distributed his first software at 16, trading his programming skills for game time in internet cafes.

  2. Entrepreneurial Spirit

    • He's not new to startups; Stunning is his third venture, aimed at transforming website creation for freelancers and agencies with AI-driven tools.

  3. Innovative Solutions

    • The development of Stunning involved multiple iterations, with the latest version providing a full website solution in seconds, suggesting a constant evolution based on user feedback.

  4. Ai Integration Focus

    • His company aims to offer a comprehensive suite of services, not just website building, but also AI marketing and content generation, aspiring to be a unique solution in the digital agency space.

  5. AI’s Transformative Role

    • He views AI as a transformative force in various industries, essential for professionals to integrate into their workflows to remain relevant and grow in their careers.

Hi Mohamed, it's wonderful to have you with us at ChatGPT Central. Could you give our readers a brief introduction about yourself and share a fun fact?

Hello, thank you so much for having me at ChatGPT Central.

I'm super excited to be with you in this interview and to talk about Stunning and hear your questions. Yes, sure. I am Mohammed, originally from Alexandria, Egypt, and I have been in tech since I was 16 years old.

I wrote my first software when I was 16 and sold it door to door to internet cafes. It was very interesting software. At the time, to access the internet, you had to physically go to a cafe and use the computer there.

This software allowed the administrator to control the computers from his own computer. Well, right now it sounds very primitive, but at the time it was a really cool idea and I was still in school.

Many of those customers did not pay in cash; they just allowed me to sit and play some games for free in their cafes. So that's actually one of the fun facts about me. It was very interesting. I was trading software for time to play games.

You are a prominent voice in AI and the CEO of Stunning, an AI website generator. This isn't your first startup, right?

Talking about Stunning, it is not my first startup; actually, it is my third. Stunning is an AI platform that helps freelancers and agencies build websites for their clients.

Typically, an agency gets a client asking for a website. Using Stunning, within literally seconds, the agency can build the website and then assign it to the client.

The client can then edit the website, make changes, and maintain it. We also offer other features such as AI marketing, which allows the agency to create content for clients on Facebook, Twitter, Google Ads, and even email.

Additionally, we have an AI Genie that helps agencies generate blog posts on autopilot for the client and publish them on their website with SEO and everything.

We also offer a CRM, so the CRM also allows the client to start receiving leads from their website. What we're trying to build is a turnkey platform that uses natural language to build websites within seconds. We launched our beta on April 15 and received a tremendous amount of positive feedback, so we're making a lot of fixes.

Make sure to follow that.

Let's focus on Stunning for a moment: How did you build an AI website generator in the first place? Who is Stunning intended for? Could you provide some examples and use cases?

We had the idea for Stunning in December 2022, my team and I were sitting and thinking, and seeing the launch of ChatGPT inspired us. The idea of the website just came naturally at that time, and we had, I think, three or four versions of Stunning over the past year, which was very interesting.

Initially, we started with four or five designs. The first version looked good but had many issues because users couldn't match the design for a specific component as each theme had only its own components.

That version was problematic, and then we had an idea we thought was good but turned out to be very bad. We actually thought of allowing people to edit the template using Elementor and were very excited about it.

Once we released it, the feedback was really bad, and it was a big lesson for us. We had to remove it and then went back to the drawing board, creating only one landing page in the third version, which also received negative feedback due to issues with responsiveness and design repetition.

But just two weeks ago, we released our fourth version, and it worked like a charm—people loved it. We have learned so many things over the past year, and now, the new version has changed significantly.

Currently, when you're building a website on Stunning, the AI studies your website and suggests what pages should be included, automatically generating these pages for you using AI.

It's not just a landing page now; it's a complete solution for a website in just a few seconds. We also added AI marketing, AI Genie, and CRM. We've created a completely different product after a year, and people are just loving it, and we're super excited about it.

What new features can we expect next on your product roadmap? Will Stunning become the next Wix or Webflow? How does it compare to other AI website builders like Durable or Framer?

Regarding the features we expect to release, they are mostly about empowering agencies with more capabilities for white labelling so that they can invite collaborators and customers, and have their own domains like agency.com and customer.agency.com. It will be a fully white-labeled solution, including the URLs.

Also, we want to allow agencies to be able to assign plans and specific features, like role-based assignments, for their customers and try to scale and help as many agencies as possible.

So, will Stunning be the next Wix or Webflow?

Well, we are not just a website builder; we are more focused on being the full suite for the agency to help their customers not only create their website but also create AI marketing campaigns, Google Ads, Twitter, emails, CRM, and even blogs for SEO.

Building a website is just one element of the Stunning suite, which contains five elements in total.

So hopefully, Stunning will become a unicorn in its own way.

Besides being the CEO of Stunning, you're also a YouTuber and a frequent guest speaker on AI topics. What is your outlook on AI’s impact in the workplace? Is it too late for newcomers, or is there still space?

Yes, YouTube for me is more of a hobby. I'm more active on Instagram; I'm more of an Instagram guy. I post a lot of videos about AI on my Instagram, and I have a team that creates those videos.

I'm fascinated by the magic that AI can perform and how it completely changes how we do things, especially in graphic design, marketing, and content creation.

I'm a firm believer that the mass adoption of AI is something similar to life before and after the iPhone. It's one of those things that once you see, you can't unsee.

I believe AI will continue to evolve in most industries, and while I wouldn't say it will replace jobs, I do think that people will need to integrate AI into their work and knowledge to stay relevant in the market and grow in their careers.

Lastly, we'd love to know: What are your favourite songs, movies, and quotes that inspire you?

Oh, my favourite song is a very interesting question. I think my favourite song is "I Will Not Die When You Leave Me" by Ingrid Coop. I think this song is really good.

My favourite movie is "The Untouchables." It has a very touching story, and I really like it a lot. I have seen it, I don't know, maybe 100 times. I really love this movie.

My favourite quote is actually one that I wrote on my Instagram. It says, "Dreams aren't supposed to be realistic." I truly believe in this because with every vision I have, with every goal, everything I want to achieve, I always imagine it, manifest it, live it, and believe that it's real and live in it as if I have already achieved it. And I just go forward looking to get it.

So hopefully you guys found this interview useful, and please check out Stunning. See you later.

👉 From Hype To Hyper is an ongoing series of exclusive interviews with top AI creators where we discuss their success stories, work-life balance and outlook on the future of AI in the workplace. Click here to read all the previous episodes


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